Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Temple of God

As I was brushing my teeth this morning, I looked in the mirror and noticed my eye, which is currently sore and swollen due to an allergy. It made me wonder why I haven't been healed yet, after all my prayers. This deserves a post of its own at a later date, but for now, it also made me think of this...

The Bible states that the body is a temple. It is a holy, sanctified dwelling place for the Holy Spirit to reside.

In the Old Testament, God had very specific requirements for the building of His temples. In Exodus, He directed Moses very carefully to build it, guiding him in the exact measurements, number of curtains, the colours and fabrics which must be used, even the particular clasps, which held the curtains together.

If God had such high expectations of the tabernacle; such perfection in mind, how then can we expect to house the very same Holy Spirit in our bodies, with even the slightest imperfections?

That same Holy Spirit which rested inside the tabernacle of the Old Testament, the very same Spirit which resided inside our Lord Jesus Himself, that same Spirit is within each one of us! We don't get cast offs, factory seconds or just a free sample. We get the real deal. A full-size free gift! How many of you actually know that, and I mean really know it?

I'd like to hold my hand up here, but I'm guilty of forgetting it sometimes, too. It's so mindblowing that it's almost too much to take in. If we truly grasped this point, I think we'd respect the Holy Spirit more and want to make His home as perfect as possible.

It's clear from His instructions that God didn't want a broken or imperfect temple, but if you think of how buildings are made, the stones have to be mined, and broken or cut into shape. Therefore, we also need to be broken before we can be rebuilt and used for God's glory.

I believe that God wanted only the best possible temple for His Spirit. He didn't want blemishes, stains, or anything else that was impure or tainted. This is the same for us! If our bodies are to become temples for the Holy Ghost, we also must be perfect, and free from blemishes or stains.

God created us perfectly - we are made in His image. Any imperfections, ailments and sicknesses are from the enemy. If we are to host the Spirit of the Most High God, we need to access His healing. We need to let Him make us perfect.

God longs to cleanse us. He yearns to heal our brokenness and make us whole again, so that He can use us for His glory.

He is just waiting for you to ask Him. Ask Him to make your body a perfect temple for His Spirit, just as He intended, and watch as He steps in and takes control over the situation. Imagine how He can use you; imagine how He longs to use you.

Allow Him to turn you from a broken pile of rubble, into a perfect temple, fit for His Spirit to rest in!

Be blessed,

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