- God is almighty, eternal, and true.
- A Trinity of three distinct persons; God the Father, God the Spirit, and God the Son who came to earth and lived among us as Jesus Christ; fully God and yet fully human. All three distinct personas are one and as such, are worthy of worship and are due the same amount of reverence.
- Jesus Christ, born of a virgin through the Holy Spirit, lived a wholly sinless life and performed many miracles. He was our substitutionary sacrifice on the cross where He was crucified and died in atonement for the sins of the world. He was buried, and physically, bodily, resurrected from the grave three days later, proving His deity and giving credence to His ministry and claims. He spent 30 days with His disciples before ascending to the right hand of God.
- The bible is from God and is inerrant. It is a complete, finished work and needs no other text alongside.
- Fall of man - Man was created sinless and pure, but fell through voluntary transgression.
- Salvation cannot be attained through works but only through grace by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Salvation is irrevocable as long as the believer consciously accepts it. A believer may relinquish their salvation.
- Believers Baptism only; not infant. Believers should be baptised, that is, fully immersed in water, as a sign of their death to their old, sinful self, and their new birth in Christ Jesus. This is not a requirement but should be encouraged as an outward declaration of faith.
- Communion is a symbolic event which we partake of regularly in order to remember and honour the sacrifice Jesus made for us with His body and blood.
I am currently on a journey of discovery as I seek a "no frills" truth of God in my deep-dive into the word. My views are subject to change as I grow in understanding and wisdom. I am beginning to challenge some of the views I've held to for many years as a result of being taught or told, and not having had a personal revelation of them.
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