Monday, 25 February 2013

Poem - Worthy

Following on from my previous post, Worthy, I thought I'd share a poem I wrote. Again, please forgive the overuse of the word "worthy", but I feel that it is needed in order to illustrate the point!


Jesus, You are worthy.
But then, You always have been.
How dare I stand in front of You
And sing that You are worthy of my praise and adoration?

Lord I should be grateful; thankful
And I am.
Lord, I am eternally thankful
That You laid down Your life for me
You made me worthy to sing Your praises.

You made me worthy through Your grace and mercy.
How dare I say that You are worthy
You are worthier than anything in this world
And I demean Your power; Your glory
By implying that You could ever be anything less.

Holy One, I apologise
You are worthy
But You also made me worthy
When I was not.

I was a sinner
Unworthy even to look upon Your face
And now, Jesus
Because You loved me
I know You

And You have made me worthy
To sing Your praise
And to adore You.

Copyright - Lisa Davies, November 8th, 2010.
If you use or distribute this work, please keep it in its entirety, and link back to this page so that the appropriate credit can be given. Also, please let me know if you do use any of my work, just as a courtesy. It's great to have feedback :)

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