Thursday, 12 November 2020

Something from Nothing?


In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 (NKJV)

In the beginning God created the sky and the earth. Genesis 1:1 (NIV)

In the beginning, when God created the universe. Genesis 1:1 (GNT)

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 (NASB)

In the beginning God made from nothing the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 (NLV)


There was nothing.

It was the beginning.

Not just the beginning of the Bible but the beginning of everything.

There was nothing.

There was no light, no sun, no water, no sky. There were no bricks to build houses, no seeds to plant trees; no dirt, no ground. The seasons didn’t exist. Absolute nothingness.


God existed.

And out of nothing, He created. From absolute desolation, He made our world, our galaxy, and our universe. He created, from scratch, the heaven we long for. With no tools and no materials, He created life.


The Good News translation tells it as if it was no big deal: “Oh, remember in the beginning when God created the universe?” – wait, what?! That statement is deserving of a little more ceremony and celebration! God started with nothing and yet He made everything. Poof! Right out of thin air!


The very first sentence in the Bible; the first thing ever recorded for all of humankind to read and know for eternity, is that God can take nothing, and turn it into something.


Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground,

and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;

and man became a living being.

Genesis 2:7 (NASB)


God created human life, in all of its perfection and intricacy, and He created it from nothing. He didn’t have a manual. He created Adam using only Himself as the blueprint. Using nothing but the dust on the ground He had just created, God made Adam. He breathed His own breath into this mound of dirt and it became a living human being. If this were a movie, you’d turn it off here – it sounds ridiculous!


So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon

the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs

and closed up the flesh at that place.

Genesis 2:21 (NASB)


God took from Adam that which He had just created from nothing. He took a rib. A rib that He had made from a speck of ground dust. Ground dust which He had just created from nothing. And from this rib, this tiny piece of bone, the LORD God created a woman. He created Eve, with all of her unique feminine differences, and He made her perfectly, from a piece of bone, made from dirt.


Our bodies, which are still medical mysteries, were created from absolutely nothing, and yet they are designed with such precision and perfection. Our hearts beat perfectly so that the blood can flow through our bodies. Blood! Where did that come from?! Our brains, which are still the most powerful and enigmatic computer known to man, are so amazingly complex that even the best brain surgeons in the world still don’t understand them completely. We still don’t know how to access and use our brains to their full potential, but God knew how to create them, all those years ago!


Can you imagine, tomorrow, someone creating the best computer or software in the world, that the universe has or will ever know, and creating it with no tools and no materials, other than some dust he just found right there on the floor? God did that!


If God can create everything that you see when you look around, and He can start with absolutely nothing, what can He do when He has something to start from? Imagine the possibilities! God can create a man from dust, and then create a woman from that man. He can look around an empty void and declare that there be light, and water, and earth. He can fill the planet with countless animals, each one unique.


If God can do this, with nothing to start with, imagine what He can do with a store room full of materials to choose from! Imagine what He could do with a room full of willing participants! Imagine what He could do with your body, your life, your brains!


If we can believe that God can do and has done these things, why then do we still struggle to accept that He can work in our lives? Why do we not believe that God can and does still perform miracles? Why do we not have faith in His power when we have seen the works He has made; we can see the beauty of the world He has created, right in front of our very eyes. When you stop and take a moment to notice and appreciate what it is that you’re actually seeing: that flower you just plucked from the meadow, with its petals so perfect; or that butterfly flitting around you with its impeccable symmetry; a labouring woman, her body dilating and contracting exactly where and when it needs to, in order to deliver a brand new human being into the world.


Everything you see has been designed to perfection. Everything you see started as nothing. Take a moment to notice and try to fathom just how great and powerful our God is.


Ah Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth

by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm!

Nothing is too difficult for You!

-       Jeremiah 32:17 (NASB)


That same God that we call to in our need, our Father who loves us more than we could ever hope to imagine. If He can do all things and create all things, surely, He can deal with whatever our worries our problems are. Even though, to you, they might seem as big as the earth, God is bigger! He can handle it! What can our God not do?


Give your worries to the Lord and watch as He turns them into something amazing!


 - originally written in September 2012




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