Tuesday, 10 November 2015

It Was Then That I Carried You

My husband and I have had a pretty rough ride this year.  We've had an awful lot of trials and tests and while it's true that many of them are standard life trials, it seems that we've had more than our fair share. 

Without boring you with details, we've come up against obstacles and issues in practically every area of our lives, from employment, home and housing, finances, health, car problems, dog problems, family needs and so on... it's just been one thing after another.

The one area we have remained steadfast is in our relationship, and I really thank the Lord for that.  We have such a solid marriage and I'm so grateful that we complement each other so perfectly.

As you may recall from my last post, a while ago now, we are expecting our first child in January. There have been some complications and concerns which have seen us go to twice-weekly hospital appointments, and then I was admitted for monitoring. At this point in time we don't really know or understand what is happening; we have been advised that the best scenario may be to deliver within the next week or so, which would put us at anywhere between 31 and 33 weeks. All my plans and preparations go out of the window at this stage, which is difficult for a structure-loving planner such as myself, but is equally as necessary and non-negotiable, after all, we all just want the best for our children.

In these times, particularly this past few months or so, it would be so easy to feel that God has forsaken us. It would be so easy to point the finger heavenward and ask what He is playing at; to question His love for us and His ability or willingness to be our sustainer and provider.

When I have surrendered my life to the Lord and prayed on numerous occasions, face sodden with cascading tears; nose pressed into the carpet, for Him to just take control and lead me in the right direction... And I feel that I have not been answered, worse still, that I have been ignored, it becomes difficult to continue on.

I have prayed wholeheartedly for God to allow things to happen in HIS timing; for His will to be done in our lives. I am a firm believer in, "if God closes this door, there will be a reason". I prayed for Him to bless us with a child, when the time was right in His plan for our lives... It certainly didn't come at what I would consider the perfect timing as I had just left my job, but I trusted that God knows best and this is right and in line with His will.

Sometimes it can all become too much for me and I am not ashamed to admit that as a human being I feel defeated at times. I may sit and chew my nail polish off in anxiety, or break down in tears from stress or worry, or simply retreat into my little inward bubble and try to soothe or pacify myself somehow.

Some days I don't feel like doing anything, and even music doesn't help. I am a firm believer, though, in worshipping through the storm. Even when I don't feel particularly worshipful, when I really can't be bothered and it seems like quite a sacrifice to worship, that's when I think it's the most important time to do so!

One song which has never failed to help me when I'm in these slumps is Kari Jobe's "I Am Not Alone" (lyrics here). It is such a perfect reminder that even though we may face trials, even though we feel as though we're drowning in life's troubles, God is always there. He never, ever, leaves or forsakes us.

It is times like this when I have to remind myself of the beautiful story of the Footprints in the Sand. When I have to find the strength and faith to just trust that even though I feel alone and neglected in some areas of my life, I believe in a benevolent God; a Father who loves me beyond comprehension, and I am certain that in years to come when I look back on this difficult season and see only one set of footprints bearing the load, I will be comforted in knowing that not only was my Father carrying my burden for me, but He was carrying my exhausted and desperate body as well. 

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, 
and I will give you rest
- Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 
I will fear no evil, for you are with me; 
your rod and your staff, they comfort me
- Psalm 23:4 (ESV)

- Lisa

Image - Footprints in the Sand - credit to euzhaphotography via DeviantArt - CLICK HERE FOR LINK
Video - Kari Jobe - I Am Not Alone (Live) - CLICK HERE FOR LINK

If you've never read the Footprints poem, you're really missing out. Here it is...


One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?”

The Lord replied,
“The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints,
is when I carried you.”

- Mary Stevenson

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Egg on My Face (AKA Barrenness Revisited)

I'm not sure if you recall, but a while ago I posted about Barrenness. Specifically, my "gut feeling" that I am barren and my wondering whether this could be a physical infertility or more of a spiritual barrenness.

If you remember, I admitted that I had never had any inkling that there was a problem with me physically and that I was unsure about whether I should even post the article in fear of having serious "egg on my face" if it turns out there was never an issue!

Well, fast forward and I have to admit that the mush you are seeing all over my face is indeed, egg!
It turns out I am not physically barren, I am 24 weeks pregnant and we had no problems at all!

I had very severe morning (and day, and night) sickness and couldn't even bear to look at my laptop, much less sit down and think of anything interesting to write, for the majority of the first and halfway into the second trimester. I feel a lot better now, thankfully, and have stopped the medication I was prescribed for it.

This leads me to the conclusion, though, that the emptiness I felt within me; the stirring dread I have contended with for all these years, must be a spiritual diagnosis.

I don't know how to deal with this!

If I were physically infertile, there are many options. I might not have taken a lot of them but they're there. My husband and I discussed adopting at great length and we both agreed it was something we would most likely do. It may still be an option for us in the future.

But what can you do about infertility of the spiritual type?! I can't very well go and adopt someone else's spiritual fruits and gifts, can I?

What does the Bible tell us about barrenness?

I guess if we look at the commonly read stories, such as Sarah and Rachel, it seems that all they had to do was trust God. They had to stop trying to fix things for themselves and just sit back and wait for Him to do what He promised them.

It was only when they took the problem into their own hands, with the likes of Haggai and Bilhah, that the bigger issues surfaced. In Rachel's case, as soon as she submitted to God, she was blessed with a son of her own!

So I guess this tells me that there is nothing, really, that I can do. The emptiness I feel is most likely a symptom of my lack of a spiritual connection to God. I have been rather lukewarm as of late, and I see that now. I think that as I spend more time in His presence and seek His face more and more, I will be spiritually healed and will finally feel whole again!

I pray that the Lord will open my spritual womb, just as He opened the wombs of Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and many more!

Sunday, 26 April 2015

The General Election 2015

I have tried not to post too much in the way of politics as it is such a minefield. Some people are so passionate about their political views and others find it the most boring topic imaginable. I am in no way qualified in giving advice or even understanding politics, but I believe that it is such an important decision and I so desperately want to make my vote count!

With the General Elections fast approaching I felt that if I were ever going to post anything, it ought to be soon. Last time the General Elections came around I spent the whole day researching, as well as a week or so before, and was the very last person in the polling station before it closed for the day. I had been reading and re-reading manifestos and wanted to be sure I was making the right choice, for me. I was so conflicted last time and after reading and comparing their policies, I couldn't decide between the Tories and the Lib Dems (I guess the result was perfect for me at that time!)

So many people my age either stick their vote to the most relevent major party or simply choose not to vote at all. Most people in and around my area stick to the Party they have always voted for, or who their parents always voted for. Our area is very Labour-dominated. So much so that when I voted Conservative last year, I was berated by my family with tales of the mines being closed and Thatcherism. The thing is though, it's my vote and I will cast it in whichever way I see fit. I will never blindly vote, and any decision I come to is the result of a lot of research, reading and prayer!

This time around I don't associate so much with the Conservative's policies. I guess we all grow and change, and different things are important to us at different stages of our lives. At this point, my main focuses are on: Sanctity of Life; Sanctity of Marriage; Education (primarily religious studies and sex education).

From UCLU (click for link)
After my research it seems that of the major parties we have Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, and more recently, UKIP. I've been reading the manifestos of the major players, and I don't particularly feel aligned to any of them (This article made me re-evaluate a few things). I moved on to a couple of the lesser-known minor parties, particularly those with strong Christian values. My husband tells me that if you don't vote for a major party, you might as well void your voting slip. He says that if you're going to vote, the only logical way is to put your vote to one of the top guns, otherwise it's practically wasted.

While I can see his point, I have to disagree with him. Yes, I understand that if I vote for a smaller party, it's much less likely that they'll get enough votes to make it into Parliament, and so it may appear to be a waste. However... as true as this may be, it's important to remember that our generation is not the be-all and end-all.

I think we all pray in desperation that Jesus will come back and claim His bride in our lifetime, but we can't hedge all our bets on this actually happening. I'm sure the Disciples thought it would be in their lifetimes... for all we know it could be another 2000 years! With this in mind, we have to think long-term.

As I tried explaining to my husband last night, it may be futile to think that my single vote will make any difference whatsoever. It may be borderline impossible for a minor party to be elected into power. The minor parties will most likely not get enough votes to even make a difference in a small way. They might, however, get enough votes to get a seat in the House of Commons. Fast forward another five years and they might get a few more. This is where it gets exciting!

When our grandchildren are old enough to vote, who knows what the House will look like? That minor party that I almost didn't vote for might just have enough seats to take over the whole place, or at least make their presence known! That minor party might finally become a frontrunner in the race to lead our country!

I'm definitely not letting their current position stop me from casting my vote on a party that I believe in!

It's time we had more Christians in Parliament. And not just any Christians; not just Nominal Christians and Christians by birthright. We want Spirit-filled and passionate Christ-followers!

There's still some time to do some research and make your vote count! I think I know where I'm leaning... do you?

I leave you with the same plea I gave in my last post, and ask you all to heed the advice given to us in 1 Timothy 2:1-3 and to stand with me in praying for our leaders; specifically our Parliamentary and Party leaders. As we face the last days and we look around to see our world crumbling, let's pray that those in charge have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind (1 Peter 3:8).

Let's change the world, through humility, compassion and pride in Jesus!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Humble Pie

Today I want to talk about humility.

What is humility? What does it mean to be truly humble? Is it the same as being modest? Can I be proud of my achievements and still be humble? Why is humility important? Is there really such thing as a Humble Pie?!

This isn't an actual Humble Pie
it's just a cherry pie I made
a few years ago!
It seems, from my research, that Humble Pie (or Umble Pie) is actually some kind of medieval meat pie... made from the offal (or, umbles) of animals, usually deer.

The idiom of "eating a slice of humble pie" generally means that one will apologise or publically accept that they were wrong. A kind of bringing oneself back down to earth and remembering that we are not always right.

So what does the Bible teach about humility?

There are over ONE HUNDRED mentions of  humility in the Bible. It seems that the Bible likens humility to meekness. Apparently the Colossians 3:12 use of the word is translated in Greek to, "lowliness of mind". I'm not sure I like this translation. I don't like to be thought of as meek or lowly.

But why does this bother me? We only have to look at some Christmas Carols to see that being meek and lowly was seen as being Christ-like. He was described as being "meek and mild" and lying in a "lowly manger".

I guess that I have an issue with the whole "meek and mild Jesus" thing anyway. Because when I think of Jesus, I don't think of a tiny baby, relying on his mother's milk to sustain him; I think of a benevolent, devastatingly scourged man, dying on the cross. In my mind He looks right in my eyes and tells me, "I love you, my child. This is for you". I then think of Him as a warrior, see my poems, I See You and Gentle Jesus. Definitely nothing meek about Him there!

With that being said, I think that humility is a great quality to have. It is a shame that in these days, there doesn't appear to be much of it left.

Let's look at the Gospels, to see what Jesus might have said about humility...

Matthew 23:12 tells us that whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. This is echoed in Luke 14:11 which says for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. John 3:30 portrays a similar message, He must increase, but I must decrease but it is Mark 9:33-37 which holds more of a punch for me:
And they came to Capernaum. And when he was in the house he asked them,
“What were you discussing on the way?” But they kept silent, for on the way
they had argued with one another about who was the greatest.
And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them,
“If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”
And he took a child and put him in the midst of them,
and taking him in his arms, he said to them,
“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me,
and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me."
So, it seems to me that Jesus is telling us that in order for us to achieve anything for His Glory, in order for us to be given the grace promised to us, we must first acknowledge that we are not the best. That there is someone and something higher than us. A reminder that we must do unto others as we would have them do unto us (Luke 6:31) and to put others first, at a higher priority than ourselves.  
It is by honouring others, that we will in turn, be honoured. Taking a step back and understanding, as it says in Romans 11:18 that it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. It is only then, when we are truly humbled and we accept our weaknesses, that we can embrace an Almighty God.
I suppose that until we have humility, we don't see the "need" for a God. We are so concerned with our own greatness that we don't ever think about our mortality. We don't ever think that we might need to rely on anyone else. It is only then, when we are reminded of our desperate worthlessness, that we can accept and appreciate the gift of Salvation which has been given to us. 
When we finally understand that we are so lost that we have no hope of ever saving ourselves; we have sinned so much that we can never even begin to ask for the forgiveness required; and as I have alluded to in my poem Help Me, we are nothing but tiny, insignificant paupers, begging on the streets of God's vast creation... Then we will acknowledge just how much we need a Saviour. And He is waiting in the wings, waiting to give us that grace that we so desperately seek.
We must replace our personal pride with the pride of Jesus. As it tells us in Galatians 6:14, But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
Will you join me in my prayer for humility? As I pray, not only for myself, not just the people closely surrounding us in our family and work lives, but also for those further afield who so desperately need a touch of God's humble pie! Who need to be reminded that although they may be in a position of power now, there comes a day when all will fade away and we will be left with only ourselves and God (Isaiah 40:8 and Matthew 24:35).
I ask you all now to heed the advice given to us in 1 Timothy 2:1-3 and to stand with me in praying for our leaders: our church leaders; our work leaders; our individual country leaders. As we face the last days and we look around to see our world crumbling, let's pray that those in charge have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind (1 Peter 3:8).
Let's change the world, through humility, compassion and pride in Jesus!

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Standing Up For God!

As some of you know, I haven't had an easy time in my job lately. It's no secret that I have felt persecuted because of my faith, on numerous occasions. The most recent occasion is still a fairly fresh wound and I wasn't sure whether I should post this or not.

Basically my usual day off is Friday but the company called me in on Good Friday to work. I explained to a few different managers that I would not be working as I am Christian and I consider Good Friday to be amongst the most important days of the year; the day we pray and reflect on what Jesus did for us on the cross.

To cut a VERY long story short, my manager told me I have to make a decision on what's more important to me; my job or my faith. Needless to say, I told him in no uncertain terms, that my faith comes first, before anything and everything in my life. It always has and it always will.

My last shift will be this Wednesday.

I don't actually have another job to go to, so I'd appreciate your prayers on that one, but I really felt that it was time for me to stand up and be counted. I have compromised so much and figuratively bent over backwards to try and accommodate them, at times seeming to compromise on my beliefs.

Occasionally I wonder if I've made the right decision, perhaps it's a stubbornness and I am simply unwilling to bend out of principle - which wouldn't be unlike me. I truly believe, though, that this decision goes above and beyond my own feelings. I believe it is a test of my faith and obedience - will I sit back and take it again, as I have done many times before, or will I stand up for God?!

So what now?

I have an interview at a nursery next week - this is working within my degree area, and something I really miss even though I'm terrified and have little confidence left. There's not much of a chance I'll get this job, but I've applied for over sixty jobs in the past week or so. I believe in a God who provides, His name is Jehovah-Jireh, and I am His child! I have faith that He will sustain and provide for me and my family during this time. I trust that He will honour my faith and obedience to Him and that He will open the right door for me!

I pray that this is all part of God's plan and will for my life. I know that His timing is perfect and that His ways are not ours. If He has brought me to this place in my life, you can be sure that there's a reason for it! I'm not sure what that reason is just yet. Whether it's something I've already prayed for and anticipated, or whether it's something completely new and scary exciting!

Please keep me in your prayers as I step out in faith into this new season!

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Life? Choice? Love

As some of you may know, I am Pro-Life, with an all-consuming passion for abortion. Not a day goes by where I don't have it on my mind and in my heart. I weep for the poor victims of this malicious act of murder. Victims which include not only the precious babies who never got the chance to breathe, but also for their mothers; their fathers; grandparents; siblings; aunts and uncles; and the whole host of people who will inevitably suffer from the results of this "choice".

I am a member of a few Pro-Life groups online and some which appear to be simply "anti-abortion". I don't like the term "anti"-anything. It is not conducive to love and compassion. I have so much love in my heart. Something I believed was a curse for many years. I have a lot of empathy, even when I can't possibly understand or sympathise with someone's circumstances. Even on the topic of abortion, I struggle to muster up the hatred (for lack of a better word) and I now understand that this is a quality in my character, rather than a flaw.

I believe in love knowing no bounds. I believe in a benevolent and merciful God. I believe that in order to call myself a true Christian, I should be following Christ's lead, and this means before anything else, to love!

I believe God gave us free will and hoped that we would not abuse it. As I have mentioned before on this blog, our free will is so important to God - why would He want a bunch of robots who only love and honour Him because they have to? He gave us autonomy and allows us to choose to love Him, of our own accord, even when sometimes there seems to be a better offer on the table.

You see, choice is so important to God, and therefore it should be important to us, too. This is why I can't categorically state that I am not "pro-choice". It is unfortunate that the pro-abortion community seem to have taken the word "choice" away from it's true meaning and told us that if we value life above all else, we cannot possibly claim to be an advocate for choices in life.

I resent this. I choose things every day of my life! This doesn't make me any less of a Christian. It doesn't make my heart break any less for the victims of abortion, or euthanasia, or gendercide. It doesn't make me any more of a person that the next.

So rather than labelling myself as "pro-life" or "pro-choice", I choose to call myself "PRO-LOVE". I didn't fit into any of the pre-defined boxes relating to this cause, so I have created a Facebook page [here] of my own, and although I'm not entirely sure where this passion may lead me, I feel it is the right time to share it with the world.

I am not against anyone. I wish that abortion was never legalised, but then again there would still be occurrences of the "procedure" taking place in back alleys and underground clinics. I pray that one day, rather than simply outlawing abortion again, we are able to eradicate it completely, just from educating our young people and adults and guiding them into making the right choices.

1 Corinthians 13:13 tells us, "Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love." I believe that love will change the world. It already has done once before, when Jesus sacrificed His own blood for the sinners of our world. How many more babies will have their blood shed, as living sacrifices, before we recognise what we are doing?!

It needs to stop. Now.

I'm ready to battle; I'm ready to stand up and be counted. Let's re-educate our world.

Are you in?

Friday, 23 January 2015

The Big Debate

I suppose that this is the perfect time to post this, with the March for Life just happening yesterday, although it doesn't seem that there was much media coverage of that anyway!

I've been conducting a lot of research into a topic which has always "interested" me but I never really gave it much thought.


For the record, I have never had an abortion, though I know women who have. I am not here to judge anyone, rather, to offer love and support to them if they need it, either before or after the fact.

I've always had an interest in abortion, probably in a macabre sort of way as I am fascinated with the whole spectrum of life; the development of an unborn child and all events leading up to birth are amazing and truly are a natural miracle! Death is also a fascinating concept, when you really sit down to ponder it. It was inevitable that I would eventually come across abortion-related topics during my thanatological research sprees!

So I was doing some reading and I bought a few books, downloaded a couple of articles, watched a load of videos and followed a bunch of groups, Pinteresters and Twitterers (?) and I felt myself developing a heart-wrenching passion for this cause. I sat in tears as I relayed to my husband some of the things I had learned. It has taken over my whole life and I am starting to wonder if this is what people mean when they say, "when you've found your 'calling', you'll just know".

I'm not categorically saying that I think God is calling me into Pro-Life work as such, although I would love that, I am just saying that after all the times I've cried for Him to, "Break my heart for what breaks Yours" I think He is., and I'm finally receptive to it!

So what does "Pro-Life" mean to me?

I believe that being pro-life encompasses more than just the abortion debate. It is about ALL aspects of life, including: euthanasia; stem cell and embryonic research; foetal tissue experimentation; suicide; capital punishment; contraception; IVF; and many other issues and topics.

I believe that life is sacred and that it should be protected, from natural conception to natural death, and during all the stages in between!

My heart breaks primarily for abortion, though, and it is something I will probably bring up on this blog from time to time.

I believe that not only should we all, as Christians, be educating the general public about the truth of abortion, and helping them to make the right decision in their own circumstances, but we should be there for them afterwards. Regardless of their choice.

For instance, if the woman decides to go ahead with the abortion, we are not there to judge or berate her, we are there to act as Jesus would have; that is, we should love, help and support her as she comes to terms with her loss. Similarly, if a woman does decide to carry the baby to term, we should be prepared to give her support and educate her in the choices available to her. If she is not able to be a mother to the child, we should help her find an alternative, whether that is adoption or just a helping hand.

What I am trying to say is, Pro-Life doesn't end when the baby is delivered (dead or alive), it carries on as the family (mother, father, grandparents) come to terms with their new role and the changes and consequences to their lives.

I'm still learning and discovering new things everyday. I'm still not sure exactly where I stand on some issues, but I'm excited to figure it out, and even more excited to see where it may lead me.

If God has put this cause on my heart, you can bet that there's a reason for it... And I will follow wherever He leads!

Finding "Me"

And the award for Most Neglected Blog of the Year goes to..... ME!! (just kidding!)

So I've been taking some time out to really "find myself".

I know that's such a cliche but I've struggled for many years with the issue of not truly knowing who I am: my hopes and ambitions; my own likes and dislikes; my thoughts and beliefs.

I'm back now, with a lot to share!

First, say hello to the new addition to our family...

I'm sorry if you were hoping for a photo of a cute little human baby there; that'll come one day but until then, we have a Pedro - he's our little fur baby and we love him lots! (when he's not eating our sofa...)

In other news, I've been doing a lot of prayerful thinking about what I want to do with my life.
I've been looking into youth work, homeless and poverty charities, church work, setting up my own nursery/daycare, starting a creche at church, even training to be a nail technician!

I feel that I need to work in for an organisation that I believe in. I would love to work for a charity I can support wholeheartedly, something which is not the case in my current position.

I think I'm getting somewhere... I've taken a bit of time to fugure out what I'm interested in and passionate about. I've stayed away from anyone and anything that might impact or influence me during this time and tried to focus on what God has been trying to tell me.

Stay tuned for more information...