Friday, 23 January 2015

Finding "Me"

And the award for Most Neglected Blog of the Year goes to..... ME!! (just kidding!)

So I've been taking some time out to really "find myself".

I know that's such a cliche but I've struggled for many years with the issue of not truly knowing who I am: my hopes and ambitions; my own likes and dislikes; my thoughts and beliefs.

I'm back now, with a lot to share!

First, say hello to the new addition to our family...

I'm sorry if you were hoping for a photo of a cute little human baby there; that'll come one day but until then, we have a Pedro - he's our little fur baby and we love him lots! (when he's not eating our sofa...)

In other news, I've been doing a lot of prayerful thinking about what I want to do with my life.
I've been looking into youth work, homeless and poverty charities, church work, setting up my own nursery/daycare, starting a creche at church, even training to be a nail technician!

I feel that I need to work in for an organisation that I believe in. I would love to work for a charity I can support wholeheartedly, something which is not the case in my current position.

I think I'm getting somewhere... I've taken a bit of time to fugure out what I'm interested in and passionate about. I've stayed away from anyone and anything that might impact or influence me during this time and tried to focus on what God has been trying to tell me.

Stay tuned for more information...

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