Monday, 4 March 2013

Poem - Cracked

This is not a poem I usually categorise with my Christian poetry. I've been writing for years, since I was a young teenager, and my poems are generally like my journals - they allowed me to release my emotions and work through my thoughts.

I thought it was worth sharing this poem, although it doesn't seem very promising on the outset, it shows my belief about my condition; the fact that I was so attached to it and it was as synonymous with me as my own name. As John Kilpatrick said in his Prophetic Message, "your mind has already accepted that this is the way it's always going to be, but it's not!"

As I've shared the vision I had, and now I've shared the drawing I made of it, I thought I could share exactly where I need the healing. How deep this thing, this evil spirit of bondage, is rooted within me.You might also want to have a look at this post.

For such a long time I have been chained
Bound and locked into a future without hope
A belief that there is nothing waiting for me
Other than a lifetime of pain and sorrow
Embarrassment and shame.

I have been brainwashed into thinking
That who I am is defined by
The medical conditions I have
That I must resign myself
To the fact that I am to be
A disgusting, ugly girl
For the rest of my life.

My skin, like that of a lizard; a wizened old woman
The dry, cracked land of an infertile, dehydrated world.

I accept that I will never be pretty
My skin will never be soft or smooth
I am used to it now
The majority of my life has been filled with this pain.
Physical, mental and emotional.

The envy, as a child, when my peers
Had their faces painted.
As a teenager,
longing for perfumes and bubble baths.
As a young adult, desperate to be normal
Smell nice; look nice.

No matter what, this is me
I can accept it, though I do not like it
That I will never be normal
My skin will never heal
The damage has already been done

Even if there was a miracle cure
I can’t be sure I’d take it
I’d rather suffer excruciating pain
Frustratingly deep itches
Bed clothes covered in blood
Than to lose who I am

To lose the one thing
That defines me.

Without this condition
This ugly condition
I don’t know who I am.
I can’t imagine skin
As soft as butter
As clear as crystal

I am afraid
Afraid that I won’t be me anymore
If I don’t have the one thing
That has always been there
The very thing that is
Synonymous with my name.

I don’t like it
The pain it brings
The action of hiding my hands
From others
But it is me
I can’t change it
Can I?

Copyright - Lisa Davies, December 17th, 2010.
If you use or distribute this work, please keep it in its entirety, and link back to this page so that the appropriate credit can be given. Also, please let me know if you do use any of my work, just as a courtesy. It's great to have feedback :)

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