Friday, 23 January 2015

The Big Debate

I suppose that this is the perfect time to post this, with the March for Life just happening yesterday, although it doesn't seem that there was much media coverage of that anyway!

I've been conducting a lot of research into a topic which has always "interested" me but I never really gave it much thought.


For the record, I have never had an abortion, though I know women who have. I am not here to judge anyone, rather, to offer love and support to them if they need it, either before or after the fact.

I've always had an interest in abortion, probably in a macabre sort of way as I am fascinated with the whole spectrum of life; the development of an unborn child and all events leading up to birth are amazing and truly are a natural miracle! Death is also a fascinating concept, when you really sit down to ponder it. It was inevitable that I would eventually come across abortion-related topics during my thanatological research sprees!

So I was doing some reading and I bought a few books, downloaded a couple of articles, watched a load of videos and followed a bunch of groups, Pinteresters and Twitterers (?) and I felt myself developing a heart-wrenching passion for this cause. I sat in tears as I relayed to my husband some of the things I had learned. It has taken over my whole life and I am starting to wonder if this is what people mean when they say, "when you've found your 'calling', you'll just know".

I'm not categorically saying that I think God is calling me into Pro-Life work as such, although I would love that, I am just saying that after all the times I've cried for Him to, "Break my heart for what breaks Yours" I think He is., and I'm finally receptive to it!

So what does "Pro-Life" mean to me?

I believe that being pro-life encompasses more than just the abortion debate. It is about ALL aspects of life, including: euthanasia; stem cell and embryonic research; foetal tissue experimentation; suicide; capital punishment; contraception; IVF; and many other issues and topics.

I believe that life is sacred and that it should be protected, from natural conception to natural death, and during all the stages in between!

My heart breaks primarily for abortion, though, and it is something I will probably bring up on this blog from time to time.

I believe that not only should we all, as Christians, be educating the general public about the truth of abortion, and helping them to make the right decision in their own circumstances, but we should be there for them afterwards. Regardless of their choice.

For instance, if the woman decides to go ahead with the abortion, we are not there to judge or berate her, we are there to act as Jesus would have; that is, we should love, help and support her as she comes to terms with her loss. Similarly, if a woman does decide to carry the baby to term, we should be prepared to give her support and educate her in the choices available to her. If she is not able to be a mother to the child, we should help her find an alternative, whether that is adoption or just a helping hand.

What I am trying to say is, Pro-Life doesn't end when the baby is delivered (dead or alive), it carries on as the family (mother, father, grandparents) come to terms with their new role and the changes and consequences to their lives.

I'm still learning and discovering new things everyday. I'm still not sure exactly where I stand on some issues, but I'm excited to figure it out, and even more excited to see where it may lead me.

If God has put this cause on my heart, you can bet that there's a reason for it... And I will follow wherever He leads!

Finding "Me"

And the award for Most Neglected Blog of the Year goes to..... ME!! (just kidding!)

So I've been taking some time out to really "find myself".

I know that's such a cliche but I've struggled for many years with the issue of not truly knowing who I am: my hopes and ambitions; my own likes and dislikes; my thoughts and beliefs.

I'm back now, with a lot to share!

First, say hello to the new addition to our family...

I'm sorry if you were hoping for a photo of a cute little human baby there; that'll come one day but until then, we have a Pedro - he's our little fur baby and we love him lots! (when he's not eating our sofa...)

In other news, I've been doing a lot of prayerful thinking about what I want to do with my life.
I've been looking into youth work, homeless and poverty charities, church work, setting up my own nursery/daycare, starting a creche at church, even training to be a nail technician!

I feel that I need to work in for an organisation that I believe in. I would love to work for a charity I can support wholeheartedly, something which is not the case in my current position.

I think I'm getting somewhere... I've taken a bit of time to fugure out what I'm interested in and passionate about. I've stayed away from anyone and anything that might impact or influence me during this time and tried to focus on what God has been trying to tell me.

Stay tuned for more information...